Friday, May 28, 2010

On a personal note...

Below is an email I've just recently sent (this morning) to my old 4-H leader regarding the happenings locally.  It is very nonchanlant but you must understand that I've known this woman since I was 8 years old and she is more family than anything else.  Through this email I hope to gain a bit of insider persepective at the club level, rather than at the higher County Administrative level, in which I have been dealing with as of late.  I also wanted to reiterate that I'm here to help however they need me too and am not pushing a personal agenda, rather I simply do not want to see King County 4-H in the place it was this previous year.

Sent May 29, 2010 (Brisbane Time; May 28, 2010 PST)
Hi Nancy,

How are things going with you?  I"m hanging in there with the last couple of weeks of the semester well underway.  It's been quite difficult and although I'm doing well in most of my courses I'm struggling with one and simply struggling to keep up with all of the work, but that seems to be the way life goes no matter if it's school, work or just life.  

How are things coming along with Fair prep and such?  Any news where King County 4-H stands financially for 2011 yet?  Keep me posted please.  And thank you for putting me in touch with Nancy Baskett.  We have been in touch a few times and she's reviewed my blog and project proposal/plan and gave me a bit of feedback and mentioned things hinging on some budgetary information coming relatively soon.  I am keeping my fingers crossed.  I hope to continue to be involved and to help facilitate any online discussions if need be.  I think that although online media is feared a blog or discussion board may be a viable tool for spreading the world about fundraisers, membership drives and any planned events to raise awareness about the organization.  Though I'm far away, I still want to be involved.  You guys mean the world to me and I would hope to see something so wonderful dissipate without me giving as much back to it as it gave to me.  

Anyhow, I hope you are doing well an that you hopefully got out of town for holiday weekend.  I hear it's raining there--it's raining here as well, even though its supposed to be the dry season.  Anyways, please take care and know that I'm thinking of you all and am here to help however I can.  


1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex,
    Sorry not to have reponded for so long. I have just read the email that is awesome and I think that your project is a clear example of how technology can be useful in raising action in a community and getting support for it. Not being there doesn't mean you can not support the cause. And what you have learnt in this class will help you in getting the blog action working.
    I get that they are cautious in the technology issue and I don't want to over whelm you or them, but I have just joined twitter and if nothing else it has opened up avenues of gaining information related to the issue. I have attached mine to my blog- but if that is too much- just you being on there and telling about your blog and following people who are doing similar things.
    Also thought that this maybe of interest- that is podcasting - UQ has a media school and a web page linked to this. We also have our own radio station, and they interview people on different issues- maybe you can go and speak to them do an interview on your issue. Then have this podcasted to your blog. It is also a way to connect with the uni students larger than our class who maybe interested in joining your campaign. I have attached the link.
    I spoke with the head of the media school last year and he is very approachable- infact Lynda helped me make the contact. So you can follow up with her to get his contact details.
