Monday, May 31, 2010

Learning in Action: What is Participation all about as an Implementor?

Particpatory Approaches
Utilizing information gathered from SWSP7123 Semester 1, Workshop 4, Session B lecture I’ve been trying to understand what my aims within this project really are?  How to I fit in? What role do I play? 
I realized that the image below shows exactly what I have wanted to help create and facilitate within the greater King County 4-H community.

Now, this is an established organization with small community, agricultural roots.  Many of the Participatory methods and outcomes are what 4-H Club leaders focus on doing daily, weekly or monthly with the youth involved.  However, I am seeing now, that because of the top heavy organizational structure that the leaders, volunteers and parents cannot truly engage in these processes themselves.  It has been my goal over the past three months to simply get conversations moving.  Although, this has been stopped by higher authorities until mid to late June when budgetary information is finalized, at least I have a foot in the door.  It may only be wedged in the open crack, but it’s firmly planted with 3 personal connections made, one of which I am working very strongly on developing given this individual at that County Administrative level is truly my gatekeeper, which once allowed in fully, I will have an arsenal of opportunities and further connections to make and develop with assistance and insider information and input.
Personally I can come to the conclusion that I am a firm believer in the following and that I have attempted to adhere to each:

1. “Behavior and attitudes are more important than methods!!!”
*Given the results of grading for my actual project plan which was accepted by the organization itself, my methodology is something I need to work on, but I’ve maintained a fairly positive attitude and know I will continue to work towards my goal(s) even from overseas for the rest of 2010 if not longer.

2. “Need for critical self-awareness.” 
* If this is towards me that is what this blog has been all about! Shortcomings, successes and overall uncertainties.  I have done my best to only express a critical eye towards my project implementation process.

3. “Respectful behavior”
*This is why I’m adhering to the organizational hierarchy instead of jumping right on the Save King County 4-H Facebook page asking immediate and pressing questions about people’s feelings and intentions for a such an uncertain organization future!

4. “Embrace error and experimentation”
*Boy, am I have doing this!  This entire process has been one big experiment and I fear I’ve created large tactical errors and perhaps should not be quite so respectful of the bureaucratic rules and regulations.

5. “Building rapport, trust and relationships”
*See number three.

It’s interesting to go back to course lectures to see how exactly my project has played out and to actually bare witness to many of the concepts in action—even when writing my project plan, I never considered many of them.  I have many fears that what I am attempting to do, and how I’m trying to shift an entire organizations thoughts into action is very top-down, overbearing and imposing.  However, I am trying my best to break through several barriers with the hopes that as I make my way into the more relevant constituency and community, where I was once a member that I will be able to step back and simply watch what people come up with, and learn from them as much as if not more, than what I’m trying to give them.  I am scared, and unsure of my actions, I only want to ensure that the 4-H leaders are empowered in order to make bold choices and stand up for what they believe in and that they are able to openly share this in an educational format with the youth in the organization themselves who often hide their own fears, because they do not want the adults to worry. 

Hmmmm…so much to think about and contemplate.  Let’s see where else I can go?!

To be continued….
Shevellar, Lynda. (2010).  Unpublished work.  Workshop 4, Session B:  Community Participation and Engagment  [Powerpoint slides]. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

Image 2 courtesy of

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